IMPORTANT: this website is intended only as a reference tool for the impact investing market. A listing on this website does not constitute an offer or invitation to make an offer, nor a recommendation or expression of opinion about the product listed. All information in a listing is provided by the issuer. The operator of the website is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness or fitness for purpose of any listing. Anyone interested in a listing should contact the issuer. Users of this website should note the disclaimers further below on this page.
This Impact Investing Hub website is owned and operated by the Social Impact Hub, which does not hold an Australian financial services licence (ASFL) or an Australian market licence (AML) and nor is it an authorised representative of an AFSL holder. By using and accessing the website or subscribing to any publications or other services we may offer (Services) you agree to be bound by our terms and conditions. We may amend the terms at any time, and we will post a notice on the website of any material changes. Your continued use of and access to the Services means that you accept any new or amended terms.
The website is an aggregation of information provided by issuers of certain financial products intended as a reference tool for the impact investing market. It consists only of factual information provided by the issuers and does not include (and must not be read as including or implying) the expression of an opinion or recommendation about any financial product. The website is intended as a directory of information. It is not, and is not intended to be, a business introduction or matching service.
The Social Impact Hub does not give investment advice, financial product advice, recommendations or statements of opinion with respect to any financial products. Nothing on the website constitutes an offer of financial products for issue or sale by the Social Impact Hub. Nothing contained on the website constitutes or implies a recommendation or expression of opinion by the Social Impact Hub about a financial product.
Users of the website who are interested in learning about a financial product identified on the website should contact the issuer of the financial product. Users of the website who are interested in investing in a financial product identified on the website should obtain the disclosure documents provided by the issuer of the financial product, and seek financial and legal advice in respect of the financial product that takes into account their personal objectives, financial situation, and needs.
The website is not a crowd funding, crowd sourcing, or alternative funding website (a CSF Website). Nothing on the website constitutes a CSF offer for the purposes of the Corporations Act. Users of the website who are interested in learning about a financial product identified on the website that refers to a CSF website should access and comply with the requirements applying to that CSF Website.
All financial products listed on the website which are available for acquisition are being offered by the applicable issuers (not the Social Impact Hub), and all information included on this website is the responsibility of the applicable issuer. We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the material on the website or whether it is fit or appropriate for any particular purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or any other type of loss or injury resulting from your use of the website and the information on the website.